在这里骄傲为您隆重献上整理:2018 GCSE与A-level 私校排名名单!


圣保罗女中(St Paul’s Girl’s School)在2018仍旧是无人匹敌,今年再度以A*-A 99.26%的惊人成绩刷新去年的99%,稳据冠军头衔。而亚、季军则换人做:同样是女校出身的Godophin&Latymer school以97.95%、男女混校的St. Mary’s School(Ascot)以97.85%佳绩紧追其后; 在吉尔福特的Guildford High school for Girls97.53%以及威斯敏斯特公学 (Westminster)则拿下97.33%的成绩,今年混校的成绩比起去年更是稳定上升,这些顶尖私校分数排行间竞争激烈,好成绩也羡煞旁人!

排名 成绩 学校名称 性质
1 99.26% St Paul’sGirls’ school 走读女校
2 97.95% Godolphin& Latymer School 走读女校
3 97.85% St Mary’s School(Ascot) 寄宿走读女校
4 97.53% Guildford High Schoolfor Girls 走读女校
5 97.33% WestminsterSchool 寄宿走读混校
6 97.21% North London Collegiate School 走读女校
7 96.40% King’s college(Wimbledon) 走读男校( 6 forms混校)
8 96.14% St Paul’sSchool 走读男校
9 95.75% EtonCollege 寄宿男校
10 95.61% City of London Schoolfor Girls 走读女校
11 95.20% Wycombe AbbeySchool 寄宿走读女校
12 95.15% Magdalen CollegeSchool 走读男校( 6 forms混校)
13 94.31% Haberdashers’ Aske’sSchool for Girls 走读女校
14 94.18% Perse UpperSchool 走读混校
15 93.58% WimbledonHigh School 走读女校
排名 成績 学校名称 性质
16 93.56% HamptonSchool 走读男校
17 93.54% Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School (Elstree) 走读男校
18 92.75% King Edward VI High School for Girls 走读女校
19 92.70% Cheltenham Ladies’ College 寄宿走读女校
20 92.45% HighgateSchool 走读混校
21 92.40% James Allen’sGirls’ School 走读女校
22 92.18% PutneyHigh School 走读女校
23 92.02% Alleyn’s School(Dulwich) 走读混校
24 92.00% Lady Eleanor HollesSchool 走读女校
= 92.00% SevenoaksSchool 寄宿走读混校
26 91.71% Notting Hill and EalingHigh School 走读女校
27 90.93% ManchesterGrammar School 走读男校
28 90.80% City of London Schoolfor Boys 走读男校
29 90.44% BrightonCollege 寄宿走读混校
30 90.30% WithingtonGirls School 走读女校


顶尖私校今年的A-level表现也十分优秀,圣保罗女中(St Paul’s Girl’s School)、威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School)、温彻斯特(Winchester College)、威克姆阿贝( Wycombe Abbey School)、伊顿公学(Eton College)、国王学院学校(King’s College Wimbledon)及其它私立中学的学生成绩都很出色!

排名 成绩 学校名称 性质
1 89.88% St. Paul’sGirls’ School 走读女校
2 88.92% WestminsterSchool 寄宿走读混校
3 88.68% Cardiff Sixth FormCollege 寄宿走读混校
4 86.44% WinchesterCollege 寄宿男校
5 85.31% North London Collegiate School 走读女校
6 84.73% St Paul’sSchool 寄宿走读男校
7 84.30% Wycombe AbbeySchool 寄宿女校
8 84.01% Magdalen CollegeSchool 走读混校
9 83.54% Oxford International College 寄宿走读混校
= 83.54% PerseUpper School 走读混校
11 83.50% Guildford High Schoolfor Girls 走读女校
12 83.06% BrightonCollege 寄宿走读混校
13 82.35% City of London Schoolfor Girls 走读女校
14 81.43% ConcordCollege 寄宿走读混校
15 81.07% Royal Grammar School (Guildford) 走读男校
排名 成绩 学校名称 性质
16 80.92% Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School (Elstree) 走读男校
17 80.21% James Allen’sGirls’ School 走读女校
18 80.12% EtonCollege 寄宿男校
19 78.63% King’s College(Wimbledon) 走读混校
20 76.77% King Edward VI High school for Girls 走读女校
21 76.17% HighgateSchool 走读混校
22 75.70% Alleyn’s School(Dulwich) 走读混校
23 75.00% Lady Eleanor HollesSchool 走读女校
24 74.17% WithingtonGirls School 走读女校
25 73.90% Manchester High School for Girls 走读女校
26 73.78% The School of St Helen and St Katharine 走读女校
27 72.60% Godolphin & Latymer School 走读女校
28 72.06% Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls’ 走读女校
29 71.79% St Mary School(Ascot) 寄宿走读女校
30 71.75% WimbledonHigh School 走读女校



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